Thursday, October 6, 2011

bacon and cheese pinwheel pie

It's a rainy day today here in Wellington. I was watching my favorite TV programme and wrap myself with a soft warm blanky and feel so lazy to continue my crochet hat pattern project. So I made this yum,quick and easy snack to share with you.

                          Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  Half of finely chop onion, bacon cut in to  small pieces, cheese and ready made pastry.

 Donot forget to spray baking tray  with oil or use non stick baking paper, other while they will hard to take out when it done.

 You could do the egg watch and  sprinkle origano on top, If you like so.

   Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Befor eating add the finishing touch by garnish with chop parsley.

1 comment:

  1. These look awesome!! yuummy.. Love it :)) Officially following ya with smiles..Lovely creative blog you have here..Found you blog hopping around..I'm Marilyn and would LOVE for you to share this at my Pin'Inspirational Thursday linky party if you dont mind pweeease :))-- TY,,
